Compass Summit, October 23-26 in Palos Verdes, California offers a fresh perspective on a very old conference model.

Compass will examine some of today’s most pressing problems through the lens of global citizenship, recognizing that human ingenuity is an unlimited resource. With a format that eschews large panels and long-winded, self-promoting presentations, Compass requires all participants be involved in the “conversation,” ask questions, and challenge ideas. NPR’s Ira Flatow will help guide the discourse.

Conference partners Scientific American, McKinsey & Company, Intel, SWIFT, Fenton, Carbon War Room, WBCSD, 100 People and PR and Company believe that the time is right to convene a forum for true interaction and exchange.

About the Topics and Speakers
Where else can you find experts illuminating the intersections of topics as varied as: the future of banking, climate imperatives, finite natural resources, social networks and public policy, redefining education and job creation in a global environment?

While these may appear to be disparate topics, the common thread is that each area is experiencing the global impact of innovation and advancing technology.

Who are the speakers provoking conversations about what’s possible, what matters, what’s ahead? Below are just a few:

  • Danny Hillis – Engineer, Inventor, Author, Entrepreneur: Thinking Machines, Disney Imagineering, Applied Minds
  • Mariette DiChristina – Editor-in Chief, Scientific American
  • Bill Joy – Senior Partner, Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers
  • Fabien Cousteau – Third Generation Explorer, Environmentalist, Filmmaker
  • Lisa Randall – Harvard Professor, Physicist, author of Knocking on Heaven’s Door: How Physics and Scientific Thinking Illuminate the Universe and the Modern World.
  • Bernard Lietaer – Currency Expert, author of The Future of Money
  • Eli Pariser – Board President,, author of The Filter Bubble
  • Tom Kalil – Deputy Director for Policy, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Steve Cousins – CEO, Willow Garage, robot maker
  • Doc Searls – Blogger, columnist, author of The Clue Train Manifesto